[multi cheat] poke hack: inject

voila je viens de finir un cheat très sommaire qui a la particularité de fonction a l'aide de macro (je posterais la source plus tard mais le nombre incommensurable de assign empêche l'obfuscation du script donc vous êtes prévenu)

alors rapidement voila comment envoyer une commande au programme:
/w le_nom_de_votre_perso commande argument

liste des commande de macro disponible:

argument: 1 pour activer et 0 pour désactiver


argument: nouvelle vitesse


argument: 1 pour activer et 0 pour désactiver


argument: 1 pour activer et 0 pour désactiver


argument: 1 pour y aller, tout le reste ne fait rien


argument: soit clip pour enregistrer votre position dans le presse papier, soit un nom de variable pour l'enregistrer dans une variable (si elle n'existe pas elle sera crée)
info supplémentaire: en plus tant que end n'est pas appelé votre position actuel sera affiché dans le chat


argument: soit clip pour récupérer la position dans le presse papier soit un nom de variable que vous avez rempli avec getpos soit une position XYZ de la forme X,Y,Z


argument: 1 pour activer et 0 pour désactiver


argument: l'id a traquer (si vous mettez 9999999 vous traquerez tout)


argument: 1 pour activer et 0 pour désactiver attention HDwow est réservé aux PC assez puissant les plus faible clamserons avant d'avoir le temps de dire ouf


argument: aucun cette commande fermera poke hack: inject


argument: aucun les action s'effectue tant que end n'est pas rencontrer donc mettez le a la fin de chaque macro


argument: nom du maitre n'utilisez pas cette fonction a la légère! master va donner le droit a un personnage de votre choix d'activer le cheat a distance en vous whispant les instruction (astuce: pour définir votre cible comme maître faite /w nom_de_votre_personnage master %t )

bouton in game:
j'ai défini seulement un bouton in game: quand vous cliquez sur le portrait de votre personnage les info du cheat s'affichent dans le chat

source code:

#include "Asm.au3"
#include "_Distorm.au3"
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
Global Const $STUB_DATA_SIZE = 4096
Global Const $DX_DEVICE = 0x00C5DF88
Global Const $DX_DEVICE_IDX = 0x397C
Global Const $ENDSCENE_IDX = 0xA8
Global Const $StaticClientConnection = 0x00C79CE0
Global Const $MgrOffset = 0x2ED0
Global Const $lua_dostring = 0x00819210
Global Const $lua_register = 0x00817F90
Global Const $lua_gettop = 0x0084DBD0
Global Const $lua_tostring = 0x0084E0E0
Global Const $StaticPlayer = 0x00CD87A8
Global Const $UnlockLUA = 0x005191D2
Global Const $Version = "3.3.5"
Global $wowhandle, $chat[60], $clic2tp, $mes, $oldr
Func IsEmptyCC($sig) ;extends comparator
	$size = HookJump_GetSize(0)
	If IsNumber($sig) And $sig == 0 Then
		Return $size
	$cc_arr = StringSplit(Hex($sig), "CC", 1)
	If $cc_arr[0] == $size + 1 Then
		Return True;
		Return False
EndFunc   ;==>IsEmptyCC

Func IsHookJump($sig) ;extends comparator
	If IsNumber($sig) And $sig == 0 Then
		Return HookJump_GetSize($sig)
	return (Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 1, 1)) == "68" And _
			Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 6, 1)) == "C3" And Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 7, 1)) == "90")
EndFunc   ;==>IsHookJump

Func LuaRegister($wowprocess, $cb_name, $cb_func)
	$t_data = "dword dwAddress;" & _ ; $lua_register
			"char  szAddressType[12];" & _ ; cdecl
			"dword dwParamCount;" & _ ; 2
			"dword dwParam1;" & _ ; offset $cb_name
			"dword dwParam2;" & _ ; $cb_func
			"char  szParam1[64];" ; $cb_name
	$data = DllStructCreate($t_data)
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwFlag", 1)
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParamCount", 2)
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwAddress", $lua_register)
	DllStructSetData($data, "szAddressType", "cdecl")
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam1", DllStructGetPtr($data, "szParam1"))
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam2", $cb_func)
	DllStructSetData($data, "szParam1", $cb_name)
	Return EndScene_CallFunction($wowprocess, $data)
EndFunc   ;==>LuaRegister

Func STUB_LuaRegisterCallback()
	$Asm = AsmInit()
	Local Const $dwLuaState = "ebp + 20h + 8"
	AsmAdd($Asm, "pushad")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push ebp")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  ebp, esp")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push dword [" & $dwLuaState & "]") ; luastate*
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  eax, " & Hex($lua_gettop) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "call eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add  esp, 4")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "or   eax, eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jz   $+35") ; exit
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push 0")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push dword [" & $dwLuaState & "]") ; luastate*
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  eax, " & Hex($lua_tostring) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "call eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add  esp, 0Ch")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "or   eax, eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jz   $+17") ; exit
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push 0")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  eax, " & Hex($lua_dostring) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "call eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add  esp, 0Ch")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "exit:")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  esp, ebp")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "pop  ebp")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "popad")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "xor  eax, eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "ret")
	Return $Asm
EndFunc   ;==>STUB_LuaRegisterCallback

Func DoString($wowprocess, $cmd, $file = $cmd, $unk = 0)
	$t_data = "dword dwAddress;" & _ ; $lua_dostring
			"char  szAddressType[12];" & _ ; cdecl
			"dword dwParamCount;" & _ ; 3
			"dword dwParam1;" & _ ; offset $cmd
			"dword dwParam2;" & _ ; offset $file
			"dword dwParam3;" & _ ; $unk
			"char  szParam1[512];" & _ ; $cmd
			"char  szParam2[512];" ; $file
	$data = DllStructCreate($t_data)
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwAddress", $lua_dostring)
	DllStructSetData($data, "szAddressType", "cdecl")
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParamCount", 3)
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam1", DllStructGetPtr($data, "szParam1"))
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam2", DllStructGetPtr($data, "szParam2"))
	DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam3", $unk)
	DllStructSetData($data, "szParam1", $cmd)
	DllStructSetData($data, "szParam2", $file)
	Return EndScene_CallFunction($wowprocess, $data)
EndFunc   ;==>DoString

Func AsmSize($Asm)
	Return $Asm[2]
EndFunc   ;==>AsmSize

Func EndScene_CallFunction($wowprocess, $data)
	$pEndScene = EndScene_GetAddress($wowprocess)
	$pEndSceneHook = HookJump_GetAddress($wowprocess, $pEndScene)
	If $pEndSceneHook == 0 Then
		$stubEndSceneHook = STUB_EndSceneHook()
		$pEndSceneHook = Function_Inject($wowprocess, $stubEndSceneHook)
		Function_Hook($wowprocess, $pEndScene, $pEndSceneHook, AsmSize($stubEndSceneHook))
	$data_area = $pEndSceneHook + EndScene_GetHookSize($wowprocess, $pEndSceneHook)
	$t_cmd = "dword dwRetVal;" & _ ; function return value
			"dword dwFlag;" ; 1=call function 0=ready to call
	$cmd = DllStructCreate($t_cmd)
	$cmd_size = DllStructGetSize($cmd)
	$p_data = DllStructGetPtr($data)
	$param_count = DllStructGetData($data, "dwParamCount")
	For $i = 1 To $param_count
		$dwParamX = DllStructGetData($data, "dwParam" & $i)
		$j = 4 + $param_count
			$pParamX = DllStructGetPtr($data, $j)
			If @error == 0 And Hex($dwParamX) == Hex($pParamX) Then
				DllStructSetData($data, "dwParam" & $i, $pParamX - $p_data + $data_area + $cmd_size)
			$j = $j + 1;
		Until $pParamX == 0
	DllStructSetData($cmd, "dwFlag", 1)
	DllCall($wowprocess[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $wowprocess[1], 'int', $data_area + $cmd_size, 'ptr', $p_data, 'int', DllStructGetSize($data), 'int', '')
	DllCall($wowprocess[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $wowprocess[1], 'int', $data_area, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($cmd), 'int', $cmd_size, 'int', '')
		$sig = _MemoryRead($data_area, $wowprocess, "byte[8]")
		$dwRetVal = DllStructSetData($cmd, "dwRetVal", "0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 1, 4)))
		$dwFlag = DllStructSetData($cmd, "dwFlag", "0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 5, 4)))
	Until $dwFlag == 0
	Return $dwRetVal
EndFunc   ;==>EndScene_CallFunction

Func EndScene_GetHookSize($wowprocess, $pEndSceneHook)
	$pAddress = Function_Find($wowprocess, $pEndSceneHook, "IsHookJump")
	If $pAddress <> 0 Then
		return ($pAddress - $pEndSceneHook) + HookJump_GetSize($pAddress)
		Return 0

EndFunc   ;==>EndScene_GetHookSize

Func EndScene_GetAddress($wowprocess)
	$pDevice = _MemoryRead("0x" & Hex($DX_DEVICE), $wowprocess, "dword")
	$p1 = _MemoryRead($pDevice + $DX_DEVICE_IDX, $wowprocess, "dword")
	$p2 = _MemoryRead($p1, $wowprocess, "dword")
	$pEndScene = _MemoryRead($p2 + $ENDSCENE_IDX, $wowprocess, "dword")
	Return $pEndScene
EndFunc   ;==>EndScene_GetAddress

Func STUB_EndSceneHook()
	$Asm = AsmInit()
	Local Const $dwRetVal = "ebp"
	Local Const $dwFlag = "ebp + 04h"
	Local Const $dwAddress = "ebp + 08h"
	Local Const $szAddressType = "ebp + 0Ch"
	Local Const $dwParamCount = "ebp + 18h"
	Local Const $dwAddrTypeCdecl = 0x63656463 ; 'cdec'
	Local Const $dwAddrTypeStdcall = 0x63647473 ; 'stdc'
	Local Const $dwAddrTypeThiscall = 0x73696874 ; 'this'
	AsmAdd($Asm, "pushad")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "pushfd")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "call $+5")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "pop  ebp")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add  ebp, 0ACh") ; data area
	AsmAdd($Asm, "cmp  dword [" & $dwFlag & "], 1")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jnz  $+8B") ;exit
	AsmAdd($Asm, "xor  eax, eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  dword [" & $dwFlag & "], eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  eax, fs:[2Ch]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  eax, [eax]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add  eax, 0x10")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  edx, [" & Hex($StaticClientConnection) & "h]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  edx, [edx + " & Hex($MgrOffset) & "h]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  [eax], edx")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov  edx, [" & $dwParamCount & "]") ; parameter count
	AsmAdd($Asm, "or   edx, edx")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jz   $+22") ; callf [ __stdcall/__cdecl type func( void  ) ]
	AsmAdd($Asm, "std")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "lea   esi, [edx * 4 +" & $dwParamCount & "]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov   eax, [" & $szAddressType & "]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "cmp   eax,  " & Hex($dwAddrTypeThiscall) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jnz   $+7") ; cycle
	AsmAdd($Asm, "lodsd")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "xchg  eax, ecx") ; __thiscall
	AsmAdd($Asm, "dec   edx")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jz    $+8") ; callf [ __thiscall type func( void  ) ]
	AsmAdd($Asm, "cycle:")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "lodsd")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "push  eax") ; push cycle
	AsmAdd($Asm, "dec   edx")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jnz   @cycle")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "callf:")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "cld") ; very important
	AsmAdd($Asm, "call  dword [" & $dwAddress & "]") ; call function
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov   ebx, [" & $szAddressType & "]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "cmp   ebx,  " & Hex($dwAddrTypeCdecl) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "jnz   $+13") ; save_ret
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov   ebx, [" & $dwParamCount & "]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "shl   ebx, 2")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "add   esp, ebx")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "save_ret:")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov   [" & $dwRetVal & "], eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "xor   eax, eax")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "mov   ecx, " & Hex($STUB_DATA_SIZE) & "h")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "lea   edi, [" & $dwFlag & "]")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "rep   stosb")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "exit:")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "popfd")
	AsmAdd($Asm, "popad")
	Return $Asm
EndFunc   ;==>STUB_EndSceneHook

Func HookJump_Create($pAddress)
	$jmp = AsmInit()
	AsmAdd($jmp, "push " & Hex($pAddress) & "h")
	AsmAdd($jmp, "ret")
	AsmAdd($jmp, "nop")
	Return $jmp
EndFunc   ;==>HookJump_Create

Func HookJump_GetAddress($wowprocess, $pAddress)
	$sig = _MemoryRead($pAddress, $wowprocess, "byte[8]")
	If IsHookJump($sig) Then
		$pHook = BitShift("0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 2, 1)), -00) + _
				BitShift("0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 3, 1)), -08) + _
				BitShift("0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 4, 1)), -16) + _
				BitShift("0x" & Hex(BinaryMid($sig, 5, 1)), -24)

		Return $pHook

	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>HookJump_GetAddress

Func HookJump_GetSize($jmp)
	If IsArray($jmp) Then
		Return AsmSize($jmp)
		Return AsmSize( HookJump_Create($jmp))
EndFunc   ;==>HookJump_GetSize

Func HookJump_Write($wowprocess, $pAdress, $jmp)
	_MemoryWrite($pAdress, $wowprocess, AsmGetBinary($jmp), "byte[" & AsmSize($jmp) & "]")
EndFunc   ;==>HookJump_Write

Func Function_Find($wowprocess, $f_start, $f_comp)
	Local Const $MAX_FIND_RANGE = 4096
	$comp_buf_size = Call($f_comp, 0)
	If @error = 0xDEAD And @extended = 0xBEEF Then
		Return 0
	$mem = _MemoryRead($f_start, $wowprocess, "byte[" & $MAX_FIND_RANGE & "]")
	For $i = 1 To $MAX_FIND_RANGE - $comp_buf_size
		$sig = BinaryMid($mem, $i, $comp_buf_size)
		If Call($f_comp, $sig) == True Then
			Return $f_start + ($i - 1)
	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>Function_Find

Func Function_Inject($wowprocess, $stub)
	$stub_size = AsmSize($stub)
	$stub_mem = _MemVirtualAllocEx($wowprocess[1], 0, $stub_size + $STUB_DATA_SIZE, $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
	_MemoryWrite($stub_mem, $wowprocess, AsmGetBinary($stub), "byte[" & $stub_size & "]")
	Return $stub_mem
EndFunc   ;==>Function_Inject

Func Function_Hook($wowprocess, $pFunc, $pHook, $dwHookSize)
	Local Const $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE = 64
	$orig = _MemoryRead($pFunc, $wowprocess, "byte[" & $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE & "]")
	If IsHookJump($orig) Then
		Return -1
	_MemoryWrite($pHook + $dwHookSize, $wowprocess, $orig, "byte[" & $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE & "]")
	$orig_ptr = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE & "]")
	DllStructSetData($orig_ptr, 1, $orig)
	$jmpto = HookJump_Create($pHook)
	$DecodeArray = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $sizeofDecodedInst * $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE & "]")
	$ret = distorm_decode(0, DllStructGetPtr($orig_ptr), $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE, $Decode32Bits, DllStructGetPtr($DecodeArray), $ORIG_ISTR_SIZE)
	$sumsize = 0
	If $ret[0] == $DECRES_SUCCESS Then
		For $i = 0 To $ret[1] ; number of decoded instructions
			$instr = DllStructCreate($tagDecodedInst, DllStructGetPtr($DecodeArray) + ($i * $sizeofDecodedInst))
			$sumsize += DllStructGetData($instr, "size")
			If $sumsize >= HookJump_GetSize($jmpto) Then
				$jmpback = HookJump_Create($pFunc + $sumsize)
				HookJump_Write($wowprocess, $pHook + $dwHookSize + $sumsize, $jmpback)
	HookJump_Write($wowprocess, $pFunc, $jmpto)
	Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>Function_Hook

Func readoff($cheat)
	Switch $cheat
		Case "fly"
			Return 1999
		Case "pb"
			Return "13469608;52;36"
		Case "wall"
			Return 2136
		Case "gravity"
			Return 2112
		Case "speed"
			Return "2076;2092;2084;2068"
		Case "CTMx"
			Return 13242972
		Case "CTMy"
			Return 13242972 + 4
		Case "CTMz"
			Return 13242972 + 8
		Case "posx"
			Return 1944
		Case "posy"
			Return 1944 + 4
		Case "posz"
			Return 1944 + 8
		Case "posr"
			Return 1960
		Case "track"
			Return 10576
		Case "Cx"
			Return 12388944
		Case "Cy"
			Return 12388944 + 4
		Case "Cz"
			Return 12388944 + 8
		Case "size"
			Return 156

EndFunc   ;==>readoff

Func frozenattach()
	$ptr = StringSplit(readoff("pb"), ";", 1)
	Global $wowhandle = _memoryopen(ProcessExists("wow.exe"))
	$pt1 = _memoryread($ptr[1], $wowhandle)
	$pt2 = _memoryread($ptr[2] + $pt1, $wowhandle)
	Global $pb = _memoryread($ptr[3] + $pt2, $wowhandle)
	Global $wowprocess = $wowhandle
EndFunc   ;==>frozenattach

;~ func frozenattach()
;~ If $ID_WOW <> "" Then
;~ $pb = returnPB()
;~ EndIf
;~ EndFunc

Func fly($offset, $action = True)
	If $action = 1 Then
		_memorywrite($pb + $offset, $wowhandle, 131, "int")
		_memorywrite($pb + $offset, $wowhandle, 128, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>fly

Func OnWater($offset, $action = True)
	If $action Then
		_memorywrite($pb + $offset, $wowhandle, 52, "int")
		_memorywrite($pb + $offset, $wowhandle, 128, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>OnWater

Func Chute_Lente($action = True)
	If $action Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly"), $wowhandle, 48, "int")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly"), $wowhandle, 128, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>Chute_Lente

Func NoFallDomage($action = True)
	If $action Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly"), $wowhandle, 56466, "int")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly"), $wowhandle, 128, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>NoFallDomage
	func JumpJump()
	if _IsPressed("20") Then
	controlSend("World of Warcraft","",""," ")

Func multij($action = True)
	If $action Then
		AdlibRegister("j", 1)

EndFunc   ;==>multij

Func j()
	$grav = _memoryread($pb + readoff("gravity"), $wowhandle, "float")
	While _IsPressed("20")
		$grav = $grav - 1.5
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("gravity"), $wowhandle, $grav, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>j

Func speed($offset, $speed = 7)
	$s = StringSplit($offset, ";", 1)
	If $s[0] <> 1 Then
		_memorywrite($pb + $s[1], $wowhandle, $speed, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + $s[2], $wowhandle, $speed, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + $s[3], $wowhandle, $speed, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + $s[4], $wowhandle, $speed, "float")
		Return $speed
		Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>speed

Func clic2tp($run = True)
	If $run Then
		$oldCTMx = _memoryread(readoff("CTMX"), $wowhandle, "float")
		$oldCTMy = _memoryread(readoff("CTMY"), $wowhandle, "float")
		$oldCTMz = _memoryread(readoff("CTMZ"), $wowhandle, "float")


EndFunc   ;==>clic2tp

Func frozenclic2tp()
	$CTMx = _memoryread(readoff("CTMX"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$CTMy = _memoryread(readoff("CTMY"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$CTMz = _memoryread(readoff("CTMZ"), $wowhandle, "float")

	If $CTMx <> $oldCTMx Or $CTMy <> $oldCTMy Or $CTMz <> $oldCTMz Then
		$oldCTMx = $CTMx
		$oldCTMy = $CTMy
		$oldCTMz = $CTMz
		Send("{DOWN 5}")
		If $CTMx <> 0 And $CTMy <> 0 And $CTMz <> 0 Then
			_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, $CTMx, "float")
			_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, $CTMy, "float")
			_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, $CTMz + 2, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>frozenclic2tp

Func undermap($run = True)
	If $run Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, _memoryread($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, "float") - 20, "float")

		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, _memoryread($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, "float") + 40, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>undermap

Func frozenZ($action = True)
	If $action Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly") - 2, $wowhandle, 4, "int")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("fly") - 2, $wowhandle, 0, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>frozenZ

Func gotocorp()
	$x = _memoryread(readoff("CX"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$y = _memoryread(readoff("CY"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$z = _memoryread(readoff("CZ"), $wowhandle, "float")
	If $x <> 0 And $y <> 0 And $z <> 0 Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, $x, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, $y, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, $z, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>gotocorp

Func getpos()
	Local $pos[3]
	$pos[0] = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$pos[1] = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$pos[2] = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, "float")
	Return $pos
EndFunc   ;==>getpos

Func tp($x, $y, $z)
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, $x, "float")
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, $y, "float")
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posZ"), $wowhandle, $z, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>tp

Func faction($factID)
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("faction"), $wowhandle, $factID, "int")
EndFunc   ;==>faction

;~ 	"Creature|Blood Elf|Bloodsail Buccaneers|Demon|Draenei|Dwarf|Gnome|Human|Night Elf|Orc|Tauren|Troll|Undead"
	If $VALEUR = "Creature" Then faction(7)
	If $VALEUR = "Blood Elf" Then faction(914)
	If $VALEUR = "Bloodsail Buccaneers" Then faction(573)
	If $VALEUR = "Demon" Then faction(928)
	If $VALEUR = "Draenei" Then faction(927)
	If $VALEUR = "Dwarf" Then faction(3)
	If $VALEUR = "Gnome" Then faction(8)
	If $VALEUR = "Human" Then faction(1)
	If $VALEUR = "Orc" Then faction(2)
	If $VALEUR = "Tauren" Then faction(6)
	If $VALEUR = "Troll" Then faction(9)
	If $VALEUR = "Undead" Then faction(5)

Func wall($run = True)
	If $run Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("wall"), $wowhandle, 180, "float")
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("wall"), $wowhandle, 1, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>wall

;requiert Global $r,$oldr,$rx,$ry
Func NoClipAction($dist = 20) ;TRANSFER
	Local $x
	Local $y
	$r = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posR"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$rx = Cos($r) * $dist
	$ry = Sin($r) * $dist
	$x = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, "float")
	$y = _memoryread($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, "float")
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posX"), $wowhandle, $x + $rx, "float")
	_memorywrite($pb + readoff("posY"), $wowhandle, $y + $ry, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>NoClipAction

Func gravity($arg)
	If _IsPressed("20") Then
		_memorywrite($pb + readoff("gravity"), $wowhandle, -1 * $arg, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>gravity

Func track($id)
	_memorywrite(readoff("track") + $pb, $wowhandle, $id, "int64")
EndFunc   ;==>track

Func HDwow($action = True)
	Global $CAM_ZOOMPROTECTION = 6292210
	Global $CAM_ZOOMPROTECTIONPATCH = "0xD996E8010000"
	Global $Gen_ViewDist = 13465416
	Global $Gen_ViewDistProtection = 7594984
	Global $Gen_FogColor = 13863820
	Global $Gen_FogNearclip = $Gen_FogColor + 0x4
	Global $Gen_FogFarclip = $Gen_FogColor + 0x8
	Global $Gen_FogDensity = $Gen_FogColor + 0xc
	Global $hauteur_colision = 2132
	Global $largeur_colision = $hauteur_colision - 4
	$Gen_FogDensity = $Gen_FogColor + 12

	If $action Then
		_MEMORYWRITE($CAM_ZOOMPROTECTION, $wowhandle, "0x909090909090", "byte[6]")

		_MEMORYWRITE($Gen_ViewDist, $wowhandle, 1500, "float")
		AdlibRegister("nofog", 10000)

		_MEMORYWRITE($Gen_FogDensity, $wowhandle, 1.5, "float")
		_MEMORYWRITE($Gen_ViewDist, $wowhandle, 900, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>HDwow

Func nofog()
	_MEMORYWRITE($Gen_FogDensity, $wowhandle, 0, "float")
EndFunc   ;==>nofog

Func modscale()
	If $ssgd Then
		_MEMORYWRITE(readoff("size") + $pb, $wowhandle, 1, "float")
		_MEMORYWRITE(readoff("size") + $pb, $wowhandle, GUICtrlRead($SLIDE_TAILE), "float")
EndFunc   ;==>modscale

Func setbutton($gui, $x, $y, $x2, $y2, $func, $param = "NULL", $param2 = "NULL")
	$mouse = MouseGetPos()
	If $mouse[0] > $x And $mouse[0] < $x2 And $mouse[1] > $y And $mouse[1] < $y2 And _IsPressed("01") And WinActive($gui) And $func = "sendmessage" Then DoString($wowprocess, 'DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("' & $param & '", 0, 1, 0);')
	If $mouse[0] > $x And $mouse[0] < $x2 And $mouse[1] > $y And $mouse[1] < $y2 And _IsPressed("01") And WinActive($gui) And $param <> "NULL" And $param2 <> "NULL" Then Call($func, $param, $param2)
	If $mouse[0] > $x And $mouse[0] < $x2 And $mouse[1] > $y And $mouse[1] < $y2 And _IsPressed("01") And WinActive($gui) And $param <> "NULL" And $param2 = "NULL" Then Call($func, $param)
	If $mouse[0] > $x And $mouse[0] < $x2 And $mouse[1] > $y And $mouse[1] < $y2 And _IsPressed("01") And WinActive($gui) And $param = "NULL" And $param2 = "NULL" Then Call($func)
EndFunc   ;==>setbutton

Func getlastsay($master = "NULLCHAR")
	Local $lastmess[60], $count = 0, $index = 0
	For $i = 0x0B75A60 + 0x3C To 0x0B75A60 + 0x3C + (59 * 0x17C0) Step 0x17C0
		$lastmess[$count] = _MemoryRead($i, $wowprocess, "char[1000]")
		$chan = _StringBetween($lastmess[$count], "Type: [", "],")
		$send = _StringBetween($lastmess[$count], "Sender GUID: [", "],")
		$p = _StringBetween($lastmess[$count], "Active player: [", "],")
		$pseudo = _StringBetween($lastmess[$count], "Name: [", "],")
		If $chat[$count] <> $lastmess[$count] And $chan[0] = "7" and ($send[0] = $p[0] Or $pseudo[0] = $master) Then
			$mes = $lastmess[$count]
			$index = $count

		$count += 1
	$chat = $lastmess
	$ret = _StringBetween($mes, "Text: [", "]")
	Local $return[2] = [$ret[0], $index]
	Return $return
EndFunc   ;==>getlastsay

Func chatbeetween($balise, $balise2, $master = "NULLCHAR")
	Local $lastmess[60], $count = 0, $index1 = -1, $index2 = -1, $bool = False, $cmdmesline[60], $count2 = 0
	For $i = 0x0B75A60 + 0x3C To 0x0B75A60 + 0x3C + (59 * 0x17C0) Step 0x17C0
		$mes = _MemoryRead($i, $wowprocess, "char[1000]")
		$chan = _StringBetween($mes, "Type: [", "],")
		$send = _StringBetween($mes, "Sender GUID: [", "],")
		$p = _StringBetween($mes, "Active player: [", "],")
		$pseudo = _StringBetween($mes, "Name: [", "],")
		If $mes <> "" Then
			If $chan[0] = "7" and ($send[0] = $p[0] Or $pseudo[0] = $master) Then
				$temp = _StringBetween($mes, "Text: [", "]")
				$lastmess[$count] = $temp[0]
				$count += 1
	$count = 0
	For $i = _ArraySearch($lastmess, $balise, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) + 1 To 61 Step 1
		If $i = _ArraySearch($lastmess, $balise2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) Then ExitLoop
		If $i = 59 Then $i = 0
		$cmdmesline[$count] = $lastmess[$i]
		$count += 1
	Return $cmdmesline
EndFunc   ;==>chatbeetween

Local $maitre = "NULLCHAR", $fly = 0, $multijump = 0, $speed = 7, $clic2tp = 0, $freezeZ = 0, $gocorps = 0, $getpos = 0, $teleport = "", $wallclimb = 0, $transfere = 0, $gravity = 0, $track = 0, $HDwow = 0, $lfly = 0, $lfreezez = 0

While 1

	setbutton("World of Warcraft", 33, 50, 91, 109, "sendmessage", "[poke hack: inject] information:                                                                   " & "vol: " & $fly & "                                                                                          vitesse: " & $speed & "                                                                                                               clic2tp: " & $clic2tp & "                                                                                                            track: " & $track)
	$say = getlastsay($maitre)
	If $say[0] = "end" Then
		$gocorps = 0
		$teleport = ""
		$getpos = ""
		$transfere = 0
		$gravity = 0
		$HDwow = 0
		$lfly = 0
	If $say = "exit" Then Exit
	$var = StringSplit($say[0], " ")
	If IsDeclared($var[1]) Then Assign($var[1], $var[2])

	If 1000 < TimerDiff($lfly) Then
		fly(readoff("fly"), $fly)
		$lfly = TimerInit()

;~ 	multij($multijump)
	speed(readoff("speed"), $speed)
	If 1000 < $lfreezez Then
		$lfreezez = TimerInit()

	If $gocorps Then gotocorp()
	If $getpos <> "" Then
		$pos = getpos()
		DoString($wowprocess, 'DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("[poke hack: inject] position actuel:' & _ArrayToString($pos, " ") & '", 0, 1, 0);')
		If $getpos = "clip" Then
			ClipPut(_ArrayToString($pos, " "))
			Assign($getpos, _ArrayToString($pos, " "))

	If $teleport <> "" Then
		Switch $teleport
			Case "clip"
				$tp = StringSplit(ClipGet(), " ")
				tp($tp[1], $tp[2], $tp[3])
			Case Else
				If IsDeclared($teleport) Then
					$tp = StringSplit(Eval($teleport), " ")
					$tp = StringSplit($teleport, ",")

				tp($tp[1], $tp[2], $tp[3])
	If $transfere <> 0 Then noclipaction($transfere)
	If $gravity <> 0 Then gravity($gravity)


voila sachez que le fait d'en piquer un bout empêche obfuscator de fonctionner a cause des fonction de manipulation du script (assign,call et eval pour les intimes)

lien de l'executable: Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!

quelques exemple de macro (lightmare est le nom de mon personnage mettez le votre pas le mien on est bien d'accord hein ? ):

/w lightmare fly 1
/w lightmare speed 50
/w lightmare end

cette macro active le fly mode et passe la vitesse a 50

/w lightmare master %t
/w lightmare end
/w %t je viens de te définir comme maitre

cette macro défini la cible comme maitre et lui annonce en MP

/w lightmare getpos hurlevent
/w lightmare teleport hurlevent
/w lightmare end

cette commande enregistre la position actuel et lui donne le nom d'hurlevent puis s'y téléporte

/w lightmare getpos clip
/w lightmare end

cette commande enregistre votre position dans le presse papier, utile pour la communiquer a quelqu'un

/w %t je veux bien te téléporter a hurlevent mais j'ai besoin des droit de maitre
/w %t teleport hurlevent
/w %t end

cette commande demande les droit de maitre a votre cible et la téléporte a hurlevent

voila déjà de quoi faire 
edit avant qu'on me pose la question:
vous ne devez pas enchainer les autowhisp a toute vitesse car il y a un coldown de quelques dizaines de ms entre chaque whisp (ça ne représente guère plus de quelque centième de seconde mais bon) en gros essayez de caler 7 ou 8 /65efdsjgjfgogfueqsh entre chaque action pour freezer wow les quelques ms nécessaire a l'exécution

rapport de bug:
ne marche pas au lancement j'ai un message d'erreur:
pour corriger ce problème faites /w nom_de_votre_perso run avant de lancer le cheat


Sujet: [multi cheat] poke hack: inject

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Wow cheat project poke123.mmt@gmail.com